API Reference
1.00Illegal Workflow State
1.01Not Found
1.02Communication Problem
1.03Internal Server Error
1.04Cancelled by Timeout
1.05Terminal not Found
1.06Recurring Token not Found
1.07Payer Unaccepted
1.08Invalid Amount
1.09Invalid Currency
2.00Cancelled by Customer
3.00Declined by Acquirer
3.01Declined by Acquirer: Anti-fraud
3.02Declined by Acquirer: Request Validation
3.03Acquirer Malfunction
3.04Acquirer Timeout
3.05Acquirer Limits Reached
3.06Declined by Acquirer: Card Scheme
3.07Declined by Acquirer: Card Data
3.08Declined by Acquirer: Business Rules
3.09Not Fully 3DS
3.10Unknown Error Code
3.11Payer cannot pay
4.00Declined by Issuer
4.01Insufficient Funds
4.02Do Not Honor
4.03Declined by Issuer: Invalid Card Number
4.04Declined by Issuer: Expired Card
4.05Issuer Limits Reached
4.06Card Lost or Stolen
4.07Invalid Security Code
4.08Declined by Issuer: Business Rules
5.00Declined by 3DS
5.013DS Timeout
6.00Declined by Internal Anti-fraud
6.01Card PAN Blacklisted
6.02Customer Email Blacklisted
6.03Card Issuing Country Restricted
6.04IP Country Restricted
6.05Restricted Currency
6.06Invalid Amount
6.07IP Country Must Be Equal to Billing Country
6.08IP Country Must Be Equal to Card Issuing Country
6.09Billing Country Must Be Equal to Card Issuing Country
6.10Payment Created Within Closed Period of Day
6.11Card PAN not Whitelisted
6.12Cardholder name is invalid
6.13The same card is used by different customers
6.14Customer Phone Blacklisted
6.21Limit exceeded: Number of completed deposits
6.22Limit exceeded: Number of completed deposits for card
6.23Limit exceeded: Number of declined deposits for card
6.24Limit exceeded: Number of cards for IP address
6.25Limit exceeded: Number of IP addresses for card
6.26Limit exceeded: IP country does not match card country
6.27Limit exceeded: Same amount and currency for card
6.28Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits in specified currency
6.29Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits for card and currency
6.30Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits in base currency
6.31Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits for card in base currency
6.32Limit exceeded: Number of IP countries for card
6.33Limit exceeded: Amount of deposits for customer in base currency
6.34Limit exceeded: Withdrawal amount for customer in base currency
7.00Declined by External Anti-fraud
7.01External Anti-fraud Communication Problem